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Get Fit, Balance your Hormones & Reduce PMS

  • Hormone Balancing Nutrition

    If cyclical nutrition is a big question mark and you just need it simplified, this course will do just that! You’ll get a break down of cyclical biology + understand HOW nutrition works to support your hormones in each phase of the cycle! This guide is complete with a grocery list and recipes as well!

  • PMS Prevention

    If PMS runs your life for at least half of the month, this will help you identify your hormone imbalance and take the guess-work out of proper nutrition to help balance your hormones so that you feel healthy and balanced all month long.

  • 3-month fitness video plan

    If you want to know exactly what workouts to do each day of your cycle THIS is it! These videos are designed to help you build strength and muscle over the course of 3-months while taking advantage of your fluctuating hormones! We incorporate strength, cardio and rest days to get you to your fitness goal.


  • My cycle is shorter than 28 days, can I still do the program?

    Yes! When your cycle starts, simply skip ahead to the bleed phase movement routines!

  • My cycle is longer than 28-days, can this still work for me?

    If your cycle is longer than 34 days, this program wouldn't be for you. If it is shorter than 34 days, simply go back to the "day 22" workout and complete your cyclical workouts from your cycle day 28-34 (or when you start to bleed).

  • My cycles are irregular, can this still work for me?

    Unfortunately, if your cycles are irregular, this program wouldn't be a fit for you since the workouts are planned according to the cycle.

  • I have PCOS, endo, or hypothalamic amenorrhea.

    Although the recommendations in the nutrition guide and PMS Prevention Guide will help you start balancing your hormones. This bundle is probably not specific enough to what you need.

  • Do I need equipment for the workouts?

    Yes. I provide an equipment list in the beginning of the program. You will need: looped bands, long bands and kettle bell and depending on your corrective routines you might need a tennis ball or foam roller. The investment costs anywhere from $20 - $50 on amazon. I provide links to all necessary equipment.

  • Can I do other workouts?

    You sure can. This program is designed to help you build strength in accordance with your fluctuating hormones. Each workout is programmed in with that intention in mind. Make sure that your extra workouts feel similar in energy to the workouts in the program. (IE: no spin classes on low intensity bleed days!)

  • Does this program get harder each month?

    Yes! This program is "progressive" meaning we bump up the intensity each month to get you the best results.

  • Can I do the workouts again after the 3-months is up?

    Yes! You have lifetime access to this course and any updates I make. So you can simply start again at phase 1 with heavier weights / bands.

  • I just need help with nutrition, can I do that?

    Yes, get the 4 part nutrition guide instead of the bundle package.

Case Study

High Estrogen to Hormone Balance

Tam came into the program having estrogen dominance. Through following the nutrition guideline laid out in the course, she was able to reduce estrogen and gain hormone balance!

Case Study

Cyclical Workouts

Hilary went from doing random workouts on YouTube to working out with her cycle. She took the guess work out of cyclical fitness and nutrition and is loving her life! 

Bonus material

See what's inside

  • Cyclical Nutrition Guide & Recipes

    This guide takes the guess-work out of getting good nutrition for each phase of your cycle!

  • Corrective Exercises

    Your body in unique. You'll receive personalized exercises to help correct posture and build stability throughout your entire body!

  • Menstrual Cycle Basics

    You'll understand "actual body cues" your body gives you that tells you when you're shifting from phase-to-phase of your cycle.

Pricing options

Get Fit, Understand your Hormones & Reduce PMS without breaking the bank

Hi, I'm Omega!

About me

Hi! I'm Omega - professionally I have my BA in exercise science, I am a menstrual cycle educator and founder of of one of the first certifications to help personal trainers optimize & balance their client's hormones. In my personal life - I became a personal trainer when I was 18 and started doing fitness competitions shortly there after. During that time, I didn't have a period for 6 years, had PCOS and hypothyroid syndrome, so it's fair to say that I've seen the gamut when it comes to hormone imbalance. I've been able to optimize and balance my hormones and now it is my joy to teach others how to do it through fitness and nutrition!
Hi! I'm Omega - professionally I have my BA in exercise science, I am a menstrual cycle educator and founder of of one of the first certifications to help personal trainers optimize & balance their client's hormones. In my personal life - I became a personal trainer when I was 18 and started doing fitness competitions shortly there after. During that time, I didn't have a period for 6 years, had PCOS and hypothyroid syndrome, so it's fair to say that I've seen the gamut when it comes to hormone imbalance. I've been able to optimize and balance my hormones and now it is my joy to teach others how to do it through fitness and nutrition!